Welcome to Sundial
We want to start by clearly saying “it is more than OK to come and say a social hello to people living in our home and to have a tea or coffee together”
Sundial Care Home supports up to 37 individuals at any one time and currently employs 57 individuals. Our family members (service users) are currently funded by 4 different funders and come to us from all over the country.
Each family member that lives in our Sundial community should reasonably expect to receive at least one annual care review from a health and/or social care professional and any new family member in our community would reasonably expect to receive an additional interim review.
In the past 12 months we have had 21 new family members in our community and so this means that in the past 12 months Sundial Care Home would have expected to host 42 care reviews.
In addition to scheduled reviews all of the family members in our community have Deprivation of Liberty requests in progress and at present 8 cases per year are being completed. Each of these cases requires the visit of a professional to complete a capacity assessment and a second visit from a best interest assessor. This represents a further 16 professional visits per year.
In addition to this, in the past 12 months we have had 2 family members require a FNC/CHC assessment or review meeting.
So the experience of Sundial is currently 60 scheduled assessment and review meetings every year, which on an average level alone is just over 1 per week. This does not include responsive reviews, PCN visits, GP patient rounds, OPMH reviews and any other ADHOC visits.
This is a very significant amount of time for a complex nursing home to allocate to its clinical leaders. As such we see it as entirely reasonable to have a booking system for such a large volume of visits.
We also believe that it is entirely reasonable for a Health and Social Care professional to expect from the home that for every scheduled assessment and review;
- That the care plans for the individual have been additionally reviewed and are accurate for the professional.
- The daily notes are prepared, along with associated records as a PDF ahead of the visit and review.
- That it is reasonable for the Family Member to have the chance to arrange representation or support for the assessment or review.
- That it is reasonable for the Family Member to not have to move or cancel any existing plans or activities they have arranged, nor should anyone they are inviting to attend with them or on their behalf.
- That an appropriate member of the team is available to the visiting professional in order to facilitate and assist the visit to ensure effective communication with the individual and to answer any questions that the professional has.
Based on this, we believe it is reasonable to allocate 90 minutes to the physical visit and a further 90 minutes to the preparation and follow up for the visit. This means scheduled reviews and assessments for Sundial currently require 187 hours a year which is 3.6 hours a week every week.
Given the foreseeable negative impact on both the running of the home and the outcomes for the 37 people living in our community, it would be unreasonable to not have a booking system and the absence of one would be knowingly irresponsible and potentially abusive.
This ensures the 4 different funders have their requirements to review fulfilled whilst ensuring the home is able to give their time to these reviews whilst also balancing our legal requirements with the Care Quality Commission in fulfilling the Regulated Activity.
This also ensures a reasonable and balanced approach to meeting our contractual requirements with the various commissioning agencies, whilst maintaining the wellbeing and clinical oversight of all the complex family members they commission us to care for.
It is our reasonable expectation as a provider that every Health and Social Care professional involved in assessments, reviews or social contact with our family members;
- Has the right to see/speak to the family member privately should they wish (so long as there are no reasons to be concerned)
- Makes the Assessments and Contracts team aware of any matter that is likely to cause anxiety or distress at the point of the booking request, if known, so the home can make a reasonable consideration about what risk mitigation measures may be required prior to and following the meeting.
- Provides a summary of the conversation held with the family member to the clinical team before leaving the home so that the running record can be updated.
- Feeds back to the clinical team before leaving any concerns around any harm or abuse they have concerns over in line with Chapter 14 guidance so the home can ensure they take immediate action to maintain safety.
We hope that our Health and Social Care partners will agree to jointly work in a collaborative manner for the benefit of those who require our collective care and support.