The creation of the word mentor is believed to arise from the “Mentor” character from Homer’s “Odyssey” and a definition of mentor is “a wise and trusted counsellor or teacher”.
Mentoring relationships are extremely valuable towards strengthening personal development and encourages learning, self-confidence, self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
Mentoring supports learning between individuals and team groups, it empowers in a way that e-learning and processes cannot. It creates a culture where individuals can have a voice and reach their full potential. Being a part of the Sundial community means that you will always have a mentor and be supported within your working day, and in your personal life too if needed.
Whichever position you step into at Sundial, we have a one-team approach. Team spirit is woven into the very fabric of our culture, and that is shown in the way that we support each other across all roles throughout our home. We are all vital cogs working together, pushing the wheel towards one combined goal: to create a continuation of home for those who live and work here, to support everyone under our roof, and to nurture the wellbeing of all.
Over time, as you become confident in your role you will likely find that you become a mentor yourself, welcoming new team members into our home and imparting what you have learned from your own journey to help them get started with theirs.
Leaders create leaders, and that’s what mentoring can help you become too.